venerdì 24 settembre 2021

Norm MacDonald (1959-2021)

My dad died, and my grandfather died, and my great-grandfather died. And the guy before him, I don't know. Probably died. I come from a long line of death. That's my point. And so I fear it. I fear it a lot.
Salutiamo il comico americano canadese Norm MacDonald, del quale, ahinoi, sapevamo ben poco prima del suo trapasso, cioé... mica è colpa nostra se in Italia non hanno mai trasmesso il SNL, Letterman, Conan, eccetera! Nella fattispecie, però, dobbiamo fare mea culpa, perché Norm era davvero un gran fico, cioé, dai! Come non amare un uomo che tirava fuori dal cappello perle tipo...
That guy, Weird Al... well, he isn't that weird: all he does is write parody songs. You should meet my friend Weird Steve: he saves his cum in sparklets bottles.
Catherine Zeta Jones just admitted she is bipolar: half the time she is deliriously happy and the other half she has to suck an old man's cock.
o ancora
I wouldn't call myself a fan of steampunk, but I will say: it's the healthiest way to prepare punk.

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