NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - Amiri Baraka, poeta, drammaturgo e saggista un tempo noto come LeRoi Jones, è infine pappina per vermi. Poeta controverso e criticatissimo, nacque (artisticamente parlando) legato ai poeti della beat generation, per poi spostarsi verso un radicalismo di stampo sempre più negroide. Non scorderemo mai le sue parole circa il fondo di giustizia degli stupri di donne bianche da parte di negri:
Most American white men are trained to be fags. For this reason it is no wonder their faces are weak and blank.The average ofay thinks of the black man as potentially raping every white lady in sight. Which is true, in the sense that the black man should want to rob the white man of everything he has. But for most whites the guilt of the robbery is the guilt of rape. That is, they know in their deepest hearts that they should be robbed, and the white woman understands that only in the rape sequence is she likely to get cleanly, viciously popped.
E non scorderemo nemmeno le dolci, soavi parole che in più occasioni dedicò agli ebrei, come quelle incluse in una sua poesia riguardante l'11 settembre:
Who knew the World Trade Center was gonna get bombed
Who told 4000 Israeli workers at the Twin Towers
To stay home that day
Why did Sharon stay away?
In ogni caso, nonostante il suo evidente odio multirazziale, Baraka (che, per inciso scelse il suo nome musulmano nel 1967 dopo aver conosciuto Maulana Karenga, il creatore della festività afroamericana nota come kwanzaa) è senz'altro stato un tizio negro che ha scritto cose interessanti:
Poems are bullshit unless they are
teeth or trees or lemons piled
on a step. Or black ladies dying
of men leaving nickel hearts
beating them down. Fuck poems
and they are useful, wd they shoot
come at you, love what you are,
breathe like wrestlers, or shudder
strangely after pissing. We want live
words of the hip world live flesh &
coursing blood. Hearts Brains
Souls splintering fire. We want poems
like fists beating niggers out of Jocks
or dagger poems in the slimy bellies
of the owner-jews. Black poems to
smear on girdlemamma mulatto bitches
whose brains are red jelly stuck
between ‘lizabeth taylor’s toes. Stinking
Whores! we want “poems that kill.”