SHELLBROOK, SASKATCHEWAN - "E mò che cazzo ce ne facciamo del caso Ahenakew?" staranno pensando i giudici canadesi. Già, che cazzo se ne faranno ora che è crepato? Questo neo-eletto-nel-regno-dei-morti, già attivista e politico di punta del movimento dei nativi americani canadesi, il 13 dicembre 2002 ebbe un'idea geniale, ovvero dichiarò ad un giornalista quanto segue: The Germans used to tell me, and I got to know them well because I played soccer against them and with them and so forth. But they used to tell me that you guys are blessed. What we know about the Indians in Canada. They are blessed. But that blessing is being destroyed by your immigrants that are going over there. Especially the Jews, they said. The Second World War was started by the Jews and the Third World War, whatever it is, is between Israel and the Arab countries. I was there as well. But there's going to be a war because the Israelis and the “Bushies” - you know, the bully, the bigot in the United States - tells you that if you're not with me you're against me.... Ed è tutto dire, cioé lui ci ha perfino giocato a pallone coi tedeschi, se non lo sa lui! Il giornalista in questione gli chiese poi di spiegarsi meglio e lui rincarò la dose: The Jews damn near owned all of Germany prior to the war. That's why Hitler came in. He was going to make damn sure that the Jews didn't take over Germany, or even Europe. That's why he fried six million of those guys, you know. Jews would have owned the goddamned world. And look what they're doing now, they're killing people in Arab countries."E l'olocausto? Come può giustificare l'olocausto?" gli domandò quel cacacazzo di giornalista, e lui: How else do you get rid of a disease like that, that's going to take over, that's going to dominate?Beh, a queste dichiarazioni ovviamente seguirono una serie infinita (fino ad oggi) di cause per istigazione all'odio. Che uomo! Se fossi donna e lui non fosse morto me lo farei... Vabbé dai, sarò onesto: me lo farei anche da morto. link |
sabato 13 marzo 2010
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David Ahenakew (1933–2010) |
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