venerdì 12 marzo 2010

Beop Jong (1932-2010)

CITTÀ SPECIALE DI SEOUL, COREA DEL SUD - C'è molto che noi cazzoni capitalisti potremmo imparare da alcuni monaci buddisti, come per esempio:
People who wish to possess everything must not possess anything. People who want to become everything must not become anything. Even if you let something go, you must escape from the conception that you let it go. Don't become attached to a nice thing you have done. It will pass just like the wind blows by a tree.
o anche:
A beautiful ending is about leaving old thoughts and habits behind and being reborn into something new. Thus, a beautiful ending is not the end, but a new start.
Che il viaggio che ora intraprendi verso un futuro di polvere possa essere un bel finale, Beop Jeong.


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