domenica 18 settembre 2011

Wade Mainer (1907-2011)

FLINT, MICHIGAN - Muore a 104 anni suonati il suonatore di banjo da molti considerato "the grandfather of bluegrass". Il suo fingerpicking a due dita è a dir poco leggendario e le sue prime registrazioni risalgono agli anni '30.
People would come to our show after riding two hours on horses. Some would walk to the shows carrying lanterns so they could see their way back home.
Pensa te... poi nel 1942 fu invitato dai sempre santi Lomax a suonare con la sua band, The Sons of the Mountaineers, alla Casa Bianca per il presidente Roosevelt; in tale occasione Wade sporcò di gelato l'abito della first lady:
I felt so embarrassed, reached into my back pocket to wipe her off with my handkerchief, but she wouldn’t let me. Went upstairs and changed her dress.
Per terminare questo necro-elogio, vorremmo unirci a lui nella lotta al diritto d'autore:
What we was playin’ in the ’30s was true country music: no electric instruments, no copyrights. Something’d happen and someone’d write a song about it. Nobody owned it, nobody’d know who wrote it. The music just told a story.


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